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Six Things Your Organization Can Do to Pay It Forward

Updated: Jun 6, 2023

  1. Become an internal champion for Pay it Forward 9/11 within your organization. Start by adding the event to a company calendar. Share the Pay it Forward 9/11 videos, powerpoint deck and website with key influencers within your organization to get their buy-in and commitment to participate.

  2. Get appropriate approval from the appropriate executive (or principal, pastor, etc.) to publicly commit the organization as a participant and register at We will list the organization on a US map on our website and may list in press releases, social media or other publicity. An organization doesn’t have to close down to allow people to participate. Over the years, many will perform their three good deeds on a lunch break or before coming to the office.

  3. Starting no later than September 1, educate all teams about Pay it Forward 9/11. Remind people about current pandemic public health guidelines. Encourage participants to post photos of their actions on social media using #payitforward911. Ask your organization’s social media manager to follow and share posts from us. We understand some people don’t like to promote their good deeds on social media. That’s fine! When someone does post, it immediately inspires others to join in.

  4. On September 9th and 10th, send email reminders and tips to your teams.

  5. No later than Monday, Sept. 13, organize a debrief meeting of your participants, either in-person or on a Zoom meeting. Let everyone briefly share their actions and their overall observations. Hint: you may want to stock up on tissues as people share their simple yet emotional connections with humanity.

  6. Email a brief written summary of your team/organization’s results to Pay it Forward 9/11 headquarters by Sept. 15.


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