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We said we would "never forget" those who perished on 9/11 and the compassionate heroes who helped us restore faith in humanity.

Inspired by compassionate Canadians on 9/11, our tradition began more than 20 years ago, on the first anniversary of the attacks. This year, our aim is to restore the kindness and unity the world witnessed in 2002.  


To honor them, we need your help to perform at least 24,000 good deeds for 2024 Pay it Forward 9/11. Choose any 11 Days of Kindness and Unity, and then register your commitment on our Global Map of Kindness. Simply scroll down to the bottom of this page and click the button to register your kindness. Don't forget to subscribe for tips and updates, and donate if you can here to fund our movement.

Will you encourage schools and businesses and others to join the movement?

Toolkits are available here.


NEW: Kindness lesson plans for administrators and educators.

(Direct link to form for free download here.​)​​


Pro Tip: Select the name(s) of one of the victims of the 9/11 attacks from this memorial library. Share their name with the recipient of kindness to keep their memory alive.

#payitforward911 #NeverForget 

Our Vision and Mission

Our vision is to help develop communities where harmony grows through individual "pay it forward" actions, and the ripple effect they cause.


Our mission is to promote random acts of kindness and compassion every September 11th to honor lives lost in the 9/11 attacks by performing three good deeds for strangers, asking them to pay it forward by doing the same and creating a ripple effect.


Put your community's heart on the map
and pledge your act of kindness by clicking the blue button below. 

Give us 48 hours to add your heart to our map!

Don't see your pin after 48 hours? It's possible another kind person in your town has a pin on top of yours...

keep zooming in with the + sign (below right corner)!

Subscribe for Updates

Sign up here for inspiration, updates and reminders:

Thanks for submitting!


Special Thanks to Our Supporters

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Pay it Forward Hero
Junkyard Dogs Productions
Irene Sankoff & David Hein
Trinity Wall Street Downtown Fund

Pay it Forward Champion

Tom & Alexia Maher, Austin
Brian & Jana Tuerff, Austin, TX 
Greg & Jayne Tuerff, Nashville, TN
Jim & Julie Tuerff, Nashville, TN
Jeff & Lynn Tuerff, Nashville, TN
Kevin Tuerff, NYC

Pay it Forward Advocate
Christopher Bjornson, Washington, DC
Charles Duncan, Portland ME
Connor Farry, Washington, DC
Chris Gallin, NYC
Dennis Marshall, NYC
Matt Mingle, Warren Twp, NJ
Chana Odom, Westerly, RI
Garret Shields, Lake Ridge, VA
Ted Smith, Austin
Ben Walker, Kansas City, MO
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Fact sheet
(click the image to download)

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